Thursday, July 20, 2017

Helpful Websites For a Writer

Sometimes, when you are on a roll or already in the editing phase, simplest of things can escape your mind. The following short list of websites exists in order to make your life much easier. Since these places exist you might at least utilize them to their full potential. They are free - well, for the most part, and quite easy to use.

The name itself is quite self-explanatory. But rather than just telling you your documents word count, it tells you which words you use most often and tell you how many times they appear. This is the perfect tool to combat repetition!

You know that horrible moment when you are trying to finish a sentence but the perfect word just keeps escaping you? So you sit there, minute after minute, running random syllables and sounds through your mind, trying to trigger the memory that would allow you to remember your desired word. Sometimes an epiphany hits and sometimes it doesn't. This website exists to help you out with remembering.

Use this website to measure how easy your text is to read. Not only does it grade your text but it also underlines the sentences you might want to take a second look at. Give it a try!

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