Wednesday, March 22, 2017

About Me

Hello! Welcome to my blog, a place where I share my thoughts, feelings, and opinions on everything that has anything to do with the ever-growing book community. Be that from an avid reader's and/or aspiring writer standpoint.

Introductions have never been my strong point, in fact, I am usually the type of person who hovers near a wall in a crowded room waiting for someone else to start the conversation. However, when it comes to blogging such strategies tend to not work out, or so I've been told anyways. So here goes nothing. My name is Karina, a Russian girl in her early twenties born and raised in Estonia, a country so small that only our immediate neighbors can find us on a map but I guess that's part of the countries charm.

Like most of my decisions in life, I decided to start this blog on a whim. At the beginning of January 2017 I, like countless other people, was sat contemplating my resolutions for the coming year when my thoughts drifted to my longtime love for books. I love reading, I have loved it since I was 10, however it has been a while since I sat down and actually read a book. To my horror, I realized that during the year of 2016, I had not read anything, zero, not a single book. I know for a fact that in one's lifetime it is impossible to read every book out there, but here I was, wasting my time by not even trying. So I made myself a promise, my biggest resolution would be to revive my passion for reading. And I invite You, yes You, to witness my train-wreck of a journey and every component that comes with it. Who knows, maybe someone will be able to relate to my endless rambling.

Feel free to follow me on social media to be notified of a new post.

1 comment:

  1. If it's anything I can relate to it's trainwrecks and rambling, so I'm definetly going to keep my eyes on this blog. I accept the invitation!
